RubinBrown: Totally Satisfied Clients, Superior Quality & Service

RubinBrown: Totally Satisfied Clients

“Everybody at the organization is a client. Treat everyone with respect. From the person that welcomes you and on from there.”

Partner, 22 years of service

It also means delivering work on time and exceeding expectations when this work is delivered.

“If you do what you say, this carries weight.”

Partner, 31 years of service At a client’s office, it means focusing on etiquette when you are in someone else’s space. Follow the dress code outlined by the client’s office, minimize cell phone use, and check your messages from a private location. “It’s never too early to develop the relationship. Don’t just sit in the conference room and work at a client’s office. You don’t have to talk with the CEO or CFO to make a difference, develop a relationship with the staff accountant or anyone else at the organization.”

Manager, 7 years of service


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