RubinBrown: Totally Satisfied Clients, Superior Quality & Service

Client Service Expectations

Being responsive and likeable means taking easy steps such as returning phone calls and emails from clients promptly. Even if you don’t know the correct answer or will need time to find it, clients want reassurance that they have been heard and that they are working with someone they like and can trust to get the correct information to them. Being responsive and likeable means being on time for meetings, being prepared with an agenda and

CLIENT SERVICE TIP Communicate Often There is immense power in communication, when working with a client start with intense communication and continue that pattern. Talk face-to-face, in-person and begin to develop a relationship beyond the digital world. Consider going for lunch, coffee, or another type of in-person activity. Especially in the beginning, develop a plan to stay in touch and follow through with the client. The relationship can take off if you are able to create and follow a client communication plan.

discussion points, and providing a recap of action items post meeting.

Additionally, talk to clients about other ways we can assist.


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