RubinBrown: One Firm, A Tradition of Trust

Competing in the Marketplace, Not in the Hallways

RubinBrown’s one-firm culture can also sustain the firm during tough economic times without jeopardizing its ability to serve clients with the most talented team of professionals.

“ When you practice as one firm you don’t experience peaks and valleys as severely. In the 2008 recession, management didn’t take increases to their base compensation so staff could

receive pay increases. We didn’t cut staff or rescind offers like some firms, and the profit-sharing contribution was not cut. The decisions we made then are really paying off today. ”

Partner, 17 years of service

“ We do not have formula-based compensation. Everything is heavily weighted on the success of the firm overall. This works well in a cyclical business environment where some business units have boom years and others have had busts. ”

Partner, 14 years of service


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