Transaction Accounting Issues for Not-For-Profit Hospitals
Accounting for Not-For-Profit Hospital Transactions Not-for-Profit (“NFP”) hospitals make up the majority of community hospitals in the United States. With the increased level of transactions involving NFP hospitals, the impact of Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) 958- 805 has grown. ASC 958-805 was codified in January 2010 to “improve the relevance, representational faithfulness, and comparability of the information that a not-for-profit entity provides in its financial reports about a combination with one or more other NFPs.” 958-805-10-1
Government Hospitals 21%
Not-for-Profit Hospitals 58%
For-Profit Hospitals 21%
Source: AHA Hospital Statistics, 2014 edition from the 2012 AHA Annual Survey
The Impact of the Affordable Care Act and Transaction Accounting Issues for Not-For-Profit Hospitals
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