Spring 2016 issue of Horizons
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A publication by RubinBrown LLP Spring 2016
Welcome from the Managing Partner
Chairman’s Corner
Chairman James G. Castellano, CPA, CGMA
RubinBrown News
Managing Partner John F. Herber, Jr., CPA, CGMA
A Talent Powerhouse: RubinBrown Works Hard to Recruit and Retain the Best and Brightest
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Denver Managing Partner Michael T. Lewis, CFA
R&E Tax Credit: Newly Made Permanent & Expanded
Denver Resident Manager Gregory P. Osborn, CPA, CGMA Kansas City Managing Partner Todd R. Pleimann, CPA, CGMA
Social Engineering: Is Your Business Opening the Door (Literally) to Cyber Attacks?
What the St. Louis Cardinals & RubinBrown’s Wealth Management Services Have in Common
Editor Dawn M. Martin
Timely Reminders
Art Director Jen Chapman
Designer Brendan Coleman
Industry-Specific Articles
Horizons , a publication of RubinBrown LLP, is designed to provide general information regarding the subject matters covered. Although prepared by professionals, its contents should not be construed as the rendering of advice regarding specific situations. If accounting, legal or other expert assistance is needed, consult with your professional business advisor. Please call RubinBrown with any questions (contact information is located on the back cover).
transportation & dealerships
not - for - profit Succession Planning for Not-For-Profits
construction Recruiting and Talent Retention in the Construction Industry
How Dealerships and Trucking Companies Hire and Retain Talent
life sciences & technology
manufacturing & distribution
Obtaining Top Talent with the Help of Equity Compensation Plans
real estate Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Legislative Update
To Find Skilled Labor, Look Ahead
public sector Avoiding Burnout in the Public Sector
private equity Talent Retention Post- Acquisition: Strategic vs. Private Equity
Any federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments): (i) is intended for your use only; (ii) is based on the accuracy and completeness of the facts you have provided us; and (iii) may not be relied upon to avoid penalties.
gaming U.S. Gaming Industry Surpasses $70 Billion
Readers should not act upon information presented without individual professional consultation.
law firms Is Your Firm Doing
healthcare Trends in Physician Employment
Everything it Can to Retain Its Associates?
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