Spring 2015 issue of Horizons
Baker Tilly International: RubinBrown’s Global Reach by Jim Castellano, CPA, CGMA
T he global economy continues to integrate. And, as a result, businesses everywhere are impacted in some way by the policies, laws, complex regulations and economic developments of nations far and wide. Our clients increasingly look to us for services and advice to help them implement their international strategies or to deal with the complexities of doing business across national boundaries. More than twenty-five years ago, RubinBrown became a founding member of an international network of accounting firms, now known as Baker Tilly International. Our vision at that time led us to the inevitable conclusion that we must have the capabilities to take care of our client needs wherever they may arise around the world. Baker Tilly International has enabled us to achieve that vision. Baker Tilly International has grown to become the world’s eighth largest network of independent accounting firms. Proudly, RubinBrown has played a leading role in the creation and development of the network. It has been my privilege to serve as chairman of the International Board of Directors since 2002. Many of our partners serve in influential positions in the network, chairing committees and leading innovative initiatives, such as the development of cybersecurity capabilities. Our clients benefit in many ways from our leading role in the network. The global coverage enables us to assist clients with their existing operations or with their expansion into new markets. Quality assurance is a serious requirement of our network, with major resources devoted to monitoring the quality of services provided by each member firm. Therefore, our clients can expect not only worldwide coverage, but also that services are provided at the highest level of quality wherever the need. Perhaps surprisingly, the need for service outside the United States arises almost weekly within our client base. Common examples range from the need for tax advice on starting a new venture, due diligence on an acquisition target of a U.S. company and internal audit services covering the operations of major U.S. companies
operating abroad, to ongoing accounting, auditing and tax services for our clients operating internationally. Our membership in Baker Tilly International enables us to deliver on our vision of having totally satisfied clients. Likewise, the benefits to our inspired Team Members arising from our leadership in the network are significant.
Jim Castellano, CPA, CGMA Chairman
∙ Our people receive valuable training and access to resources covering topics such as international accounting and auditing standards, international tax and numerous specialized consulting subjects. ∙ We offer our professionals the opportunity to work abroad at one of our member firms through a vibrant secondment program in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, England, France and Germany. ∙ We host at least two team members from member firms around the world in our offices each year, enabling all of our team members the opportunity to interact with our international colleagues and form lasting relationships. ∙ The Leaders in Collaboration leadership development program (created and conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business) affords one of our partners the opportunity to train in London, Singapore and Chicago each year. If you are doing business internationally or thinking about doing so, RubinBrown can provide valuable assistance to you. Please contact me or your RubinBrown engagement partner to explore the resources available from our valuable and high quality international network, Baker Tilly International.
www.RubinBrown.com | page 5
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