Spring 2015 issue of Horizons
International laws, tax policies and financial reporting requirements can all impact a company’s IP strategy and overall strategy and success. It is prudent to seek appropriate legal, tax, and accounting assistance from qualified professionals if you don’t possess it in house. Planning, foresight and adequate resources are all critical attributes in developing a good IP strategy as part of your overall strategy. This is just as true in a global setting as it is in a domestic one. A global IP strategy should consider the international implications and complexities of IP protections, transfer, and legal, tax and accounting issues.
Identifying areas where competitors or industry leaders are seeking IP protections (and expending valuable time and resources) can help you observe international competitors’ efforts or may provide insights into trends in specific geographic markets. If your strategy is already in, or contemplates moving into, international markets, then it may be worthwhile to invest resources in obtaining this type of competitive intelligence.
Qualified Advice Just as the opportunities and potential rewards increase as you take on a global focus, so too do the risks and complexities.
RubinBrown’s Life Sciences & Technology Services Group RubinBrown Life Sciences & Technology Services Group works with local, national and international companies to help improve their financial position and provide superior accounting, tax and business advisory services.
Steve Hays, CPA, CGMA — St. Louis Partner-In-Charge Life Sciences & Technology Services Group 314.290.3336 steve.hays@rubinbrown.com
Todd Pleimann, CPA — Kansas City Kansas City Managing Partner 913.499.4411 todd.pleimann@rubinbrown.com
Felicia Malter, CPA — St. Louis Partner & Vice Chair Life Sciences & Technology Services Group 314.290.3249 felicia.malter@rubinbrown.com
Rodney Rice, CPA, CGMA — Denver Partner Life Sciences & Technology Services Group 303.952.1233 rodney.rice@rubinbrown.com
Jason Mannello, CFA, CLP — St. Louis Manager & Vice Chair Life Sciences & Technology Services Group 314.290.3216 jason.mannello@rubinbrown.com
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