Spring 2015 issue of Horizons
FEATURE | RubinBrown Hosts International Business Summit
∙ Obtain a How To Do Business guide that is published by Baker Tilly International through RubinBrown. This guide will help you consider which questions to ask and what risks are present in each country. ∙ Consult directly with local experts within the target country prior to making a decision to expand. The Baker Tilly International network can be an excellent resource to accomplish this task. ∙ Prepare a detailed pro forma projection of expected sales and expenses. Include appropriate tax considerations. Share your pro forma with your business advisors to get an independent look at overall assumptions and calculations. International expansion can greatly improve your profitability or create a serious cash flow emergency. It is imperative that knowledgeable and local financial experts be consulted and detailed projections be completed. For a copy of your How To Do Business guide in a country of interest, you can contact any RubinBrown advisor at your convenience.
However, even though common themes are present, each country or region is distinct and different. Training within the local labor force has given rise to various industries within each country. In Mexico, the automotive and electronics industries are prevalent. Pharmaceutical, medical device and software companies are thriving. In Brazil, agriculture and minerals are ready for international participation. In addition, RubinBrown was honored to host Steve Burrows, former CEO of Anheuser-Busch International. He shared his experiences related to expanding business both domestically and internationally. Steve shared ten lessons learned in overseas business development including the vital importance of learning the cultures of the countries in which you plan to expand. Steven shared many serious, as well as some amusing, experiences he encountered during his years with Anheuser-Busch International. If you are considering international expansion, RubinBrown recommends your due diligence efforts include the following:
More than 250 attendees gathered in St. Louis for RubinBrown’s International Business Summit.
RubinBrown Chairman Jim Castellano also serves as chairman of Baker Tilly International and moderated the panel with our international business leaders.
Former Anheuser- Busch International CEO Steve Burrows shared lessons learned
about expanding business overseas.
page 8 | horizons Spring 2015
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