Spring 2013 issue of Horizons
important to note that at the heart of this program is the impact it has had on families across the country. Ensuring that a child knows where his or her home is from week to week coupled with the rippling effects a stable home has on the child, his or her community and his or her future is truly immeasurable and reaches far beyond the credit dollars the home may have been awarded. America needs job creation and quality affordable housing more than ever. Now is not the time to contemplate eliminating or reducing this powerful financing tool. The affordable housing industry must have a true sense of urgency and it needs to grow from a grass roots effort. It is imperative that the industry work closely with the public, and their state representatives and elected officials to show support for the credit and to ensure it will survive tax reform.
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Bryan Keller, CPA – Saint Louis Partner-In-Charge Real Estate Services Group 314.290.3341 bryan.keller@rubinbrown.com
Glenn Henderson, CPA, CFP – Kansas City Partner Real Estate Services Group 913.491.4429 glenn.henderson@rubinbrown.com
Dave Herdlick, CPA – Saint Louis Partner Real Estate Services Group 314.290.3383 dave.herdlick@rubinbrown.com
Frank Seffinger, CPA – Denver Partner Real Estate Services Group 303.952.1240 frank.seffinger@rubinbrown.com
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