RubinBrown Gaming Stats 2014
Growth In 2013, there were 21 states that reported electronic gaming device (EGD) revenues. Collectively, these states reported a decline in EGD revenues of 0.3% or $85.52 million. While EGD revenue declined slightly, the overall decline includes the EGD revenues generated from 7 new casinos that opened in 2013 and 10 casinos that completed their first full calendar year. The flat to declining EGD revenue amid an increase in the number of casinos highlights the challenges facing today’s gaming industry. Challenges The average age of the traditional EGD patron continues to increase with each year. The increase in the average age is attributed to the differences in technology familiarity between generations. Specifically, the millennial generation grew up with video game technologies that provide high quality digital graphics and an interactive experience. Transitioning these patrons to slot machine players has proven difficult, as the appeal provided by a traditional three-reel slot machine is limited in comparison to today’s video games. Opportunities Responding to the industry’s challenges, the slot machine manufacturing industry is quickly working to develop a more interactive gaming experience that includes group-play bonus rounds, connectivity with social media, and pay-out tables that vary by a patron’s “skill.” Casino operators are identifying new ways to connect with the slot machine players through social media and free-play online gaming sites. Both Caesar’s Entertainment and MGM have developed free-play websites that allow patrons to play the same slot machines offered in the Las Vegas casinos. These online sites have proven effective in maintaining a patron’s engagement and increasing patron visitation and spend.
6 | 2014 Commercial & Tribal Gaming Stats
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