RubinBrown Gaming Stats 2014
Colorado Colorado continues to contemplate online gambling. In 2013, a bill to legalize online gambling was proposed, but it never generated momentum. However, that could change in 2014 as the state’s casino executives are taking notice of the success other states are having. In a recent study, online gaming in Colorado could generate an estimated $112.5 million. Delaware Delaware issues $8 million bailout to the state’s casinos. In June 2013, lawmakers passed legislation that sent $8 million to the three casinos in Delaware. The purpose of the bill was to offset the higher costs of vendors who provide slot machines inside the casinos. First month of online gaming in Delaware is a success. In November 2013, $3.8 million was wagered online and 2,800 people registered gaming accounts. While these numbers are not as large as other online gaming jurisdictions, the state remains optimistic.
Florida Florida conducts gambling impact study. On October 28, 2013, the state took testimony from the Spectrum Gaming Group which completed an impact study on the gambling environment and impacts of Florida’s existing gambling industry. Lights go out on gaming expansion. In April 2014, Florida’s House Speaker Will Weatherford said it is highly unlikely that a gaming expansion bill would be passed in 2014, stating “the lights have gone out on this issue (gaming).” Illinois Gaming and Leisure Properties agree to purchase Casino Queen. The investment company will buy the property for $140 million and lease it back to the casino employees, who purchased the casino and hotel last year. The property will be leased for $14 million a year for 15 years with an option to renew for four successive five-year terms. Debates on gaming expansion are becoming a spring ritual. In the spring of 2014, two bills were introduced into the Illinois legislature. Meanwhile, existing casinos are adapting to a shift in the market, as patron admissions are down more than 10.0%. The decline in admissions is the result of previous gaming expansion efforts in the form of video lottery terminals at local bars and restaurants.
Indiana Increases in competition hurt Indiana riverboat casinos. Due to regional competition in Ohio, southeast Indiana casinos reported a decrease in gaming revenue of 28.3% from the prior year. Most bills that were proposed to assist the state’s casinos in 2013 were turned down, and debates on any major changes are not expected to begin until 2015. Iowa The opening of Sioux City’s Hard Rock Casino is stalled. In a lawsuit filed against Sioux City Entertainment, Penn National claims that the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission violated Iowa law and Penn National’s constitutional rights. The commission selected Sioux City Entertainment’s proposal to build a land-based casino over Penn National’s proposal. Sioux City Entertainment’s Hard Rock Hotel & Casino had been scheduled to open in July 2014, but the case does not go to court until the following December. Scott County Casino LLC purchased Rhythm City Casino from Isle of Capri. The company purchased Rhythm City Casino for $51 million dollars and plans to use the gaming license to build a $110 million land-based casino and hotel along Interstate 80 in north Davenport.
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