RubinBrown Gaming Stats 2011

Regional Comparison – continued

Regional Disciplinary Action The graph below categorizes the disciplinary actions taken by the Colorado Limited Gaming Commission, Indiana Gaming Commission, and the Missouri Gaming Commission. To provide a summary of the top disciplinary actions, the top 10 fines incurred have been listed. A linear relationship between the incident and the fine amount cannot be drawn as each fine is independently reviewed by state regulatory bodies. Overall, there were 77 fines levied by the three states related to 125 incidents. Incidents related to security oversight or failure was the most common occurrence with 47 individual incidents, equaling 38% of all incidents evaluated. While a direct correlation between incident and fine amount could not be determined, the highest fines related to systematic failures to comply with regulations associated with the treatment of intoxicated and underage patrons. • Missouri properties incurred a total of 43 fines related to 57 individual incidents, resulting in $885,000 in fines. The average per incident equals $15,526. Missouri

exhibited a high intolerance for failing to recognize egregiously intoxicated patrons and the admittance of underage patrons. • Indiana properties incurred a total of 26 fines related to 60 individual incidents, resulting in $291,500 in fines. The average fine per incident equals $4,858. Indiana’s most common incidents related to the failure to communicate with state regulators, admittance of underage patrons, and violations of rules designed to protect voluntarily excluded persons. • Colorado properties incurred a total of 8 fines related to 8 individual incidents, resulting in $59,750 in fines. The average fine per incident equals $8,536. The majority of the fines levied in Colorado related to unauthorized searches of the Gambling Payment Intercept registry or failure to timely report information to the Colorado Department of Child Support Enforcement. (Note: Detailed disciplinary information for Iowa and Illinois could not be summarized as the information was not readily available.)

Summary of Disciplinary Actions by Category

100% 100%



80% 80%

60% 60%


40% 40%


20% 20%





Table Game Operations

Reporting to State Gaming Commission

Cage Operations

EGD Operations

Improper Marketing Campaigns

Surveillance Operations

Count Room Operations

Security Operations

Number of Incidents

Cumulative Percentage

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