RubinBrown: Core Values, Our Moral Compass

RubinBrown: Core Values

From the get-go, the firm’s founders, Harvey Brown and Mahlon Rubin, actively personified the attributes of what we refer to today as the core values. Because the original partners had already established a strong culture and subsequent leaders continued on the same path, formalizing the values by which the firm had already been operating was an easy decision. “ The core values are the fabric of our firm, but the most important thing to remember is that these values were in place before they were formalized. ” Partner, 25+ years of service Without a doubt, there was a good amount of brainstorming and wordsmithing and passionate discussions. But the partners understood the significance of reflecting, in the core values, what made RubinBrown a special place. It would become vital not to lose any aspects of the firm’s character as plans for geographic expansion and growth unfolded. The 26 partners started the brainstorming session by breaking into four groups and identifying themes within the Goldman Sachs guiding principles that aligned with what was unique about RubinBrown’s culture, what made it special and what could help it develop and grow into the future. Unsurprisingly, the groups developed similar lists, including themes like integrity, fairness, striving for excellence, embracing innovation, investing in talent and teamwork.


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