RubinBrown Apartment Stats 2024


Affordable Housing This complex and highly regulated industry has been one that we have focused on since the early days of HUD and the advent of the federal low-income housing tax credit program. Historic Tax Credit Services Our team has extensive experience with consulting on historic rehabilitation projects across the country. New Markets Tax Credit Services In addition to initial program guidance and consulting, our experts can help you with NMTC application assistance. Opportunity Zones This incentive program was created by the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 and is designed to bring growth to communities across the country. Our team of opportunity zone experts can help guide you through the complexities of the program by helping with transaction structuring, compliance, tax and accounting. Renewable Energy There are many new financial incentives for companies in the renewable energy sector. We can help you sort through the opportunities and provide financial guidance to move your businesses forward.

For more than 30 years, RubinBrown’s Real Estate Services Group has developed a strong reputation nationally as a leader in accounting and advisory services. Today, the group provides specialized services to real estate entities from coast to coast. RubinBrown’s Real Estate Services Group provides a full range of assurance, tax, business planning and consulting services to:

· Investment funds · Real estate partnerships · Developers

· Management companies · Governmental agencies · Syndicators and investors · Financial institutions · Construction-related companies

Through the years, our clients have grown to depend on our expertise in five key areas of the real estate sector including affordable housing, historic tax credit services, new markets tax credit services, opportunity zones and renewable energy.

RubinBrown Apartment Stats 2024


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