Horizons Fall/Winter 2019
University Hiring Faces Tough Test by Kim Ryan, CPA, JD, LL.M
C ompetition for top talent in the workplace today is as competitive as it has ever been before, and colleges and universities are not immune to the talent challenges faced by other industries. In addition to simply trying to hire broadly within a competitive environment, colleges and universities can have further difficulties in hiring talent due to specialized talent necessary to work in certain areas of higher education. Also, the constrained resources and hiring processes are sometimes less agile than other industries. Hiring specialized talent might require previous experience and a limited pool of individuals with that talent may require convincing someone to move from a densely
populated city to a more rural community where the college is located.
The current budget environment faced by many colleges and universities can also result in difficulties being able to pay market rates for a specific skill set or not being able to absorb an employee who is not fully productive at the position for which they are hired. For example, a college might need the equivalent of 1.7 people for a specific skill, but is unable to absorb paying for another full time hire (2.0 people) when only 1.7 people are needed. Finally, the hiring practices of some colleges and universities are more rigid in the interview and background check process than some private employers that a prospective
University Hiring Faces Tough Test
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