Fall 2017 issue of Horizons

is used to alert citizens to alternate routes during high frequency or emergency evacuations. Also, the IoT has transformed how people expect to function in their day-to-day lives and, has changed citizens’ expectations of how they expect to interact with governments. Current estimates show the number of IoT devices connected is over 20 billion. Governments should consider how this would transform the traditional ways of citizen expectations for the delivery method of their public services. With all this data, there is a great need to keep information secure and compliant with privacy rules and regulations. Governments need to consider the risks with all devices and cyber security. IoT necessitates the need for governments to fully understand cyber security risks. Development of policies and procedures to reduce vulnerability to hacks and data breaches is necessary. Smart Governments The concept of a smart government will change the way cities and counties operate and interact. Smart governments will use some of the disruptive technologies previously discussed, but there are additional ways that technology can be utilized to transform governments. These include transparency initiatives with governments and integrating disruptive technologies to aid the process. In one state, a treasurer and OpenGov have partnered to develop a statewide transparency effort. It offers approximately 3,900 government entities an opportunity to publish all revenues and expenditures free of charge online. Citizens can review revenues and expenditures online and even get into the details regarding check by check spending.

( IOT ) has changed citizens’ expectations of how they expect to interact with governments

For instance, San Francisco has SFGovTV, a YouTube channel, allowing constituents 24/7 information on city events, services and life. SFGovTV also showcases the work of city departments and employees and the latest updates at city hall. Social media is a way to reach more citizens in an effective manner with lower costs than traditional communication paths. Similar to how business entities have to think about changing their interactions with customers, governments should think about how they can reshape interactions with citizens as well as their experiences. Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is best explained as wireless devices connected with each other via the internet, and designed to send and receive information. In 2016, more and more “things” are connected. For government, transportation and security are two areas that have been greatly impacted by the IoT. Some airports use technology to publicize the wait time to get through TSA security allowing travelers to plan ahead. GPS tracking devices can help convey bus waiting times which in turn can be used by the government to analyze usage and frequency to deliver better public transportation services. These same GPS tracking devices can also analyze traffic and road use. This information is helpful in determining the enhancement of traffic flow. Accordingly, the information

How Technology has Changed Government


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