Fall 2016 issue of Horizons
Big Picture Overall, the construction industry is demonstrating several positive signs.
However, the positive momentum will be slowed if the labor shortage is not alleviated in the near future.
the next two years appear to get even brighter from a spending standpoint
RubinBrown’s Construction Services Group We provide services to general contractors, specialty subcontractors and related companies in the construction industry.
Ken Van Bree, CPA, CGMA — St. Louis Partner-In-Charge Construction Services Group 314.290.3429 ken.van.bree@rubinbrown.com
Chris Daues, CPA — Denver Manager Construction Services Group 303.952.1276 chris.daues@rubinbrown.com
Matt Beerbower, CPA — Denver Partner & Vice Chair Construction Services Group 303.952.1252 matt.beerbower@rubinbrown.com
Zach Fritz, CPA — Kansas City Manager Construction Services Group 913.499.4416 zach.fritz@rubinbrown.com
Mark Jansen, CPA, CGMA — St. Louis Partner & Vice Chair Construction Services Group 314.290.3208 mark.jansen@rubinbrown.com
Graham Ryan, CPA — Kansas City Manager Construction Services Group 913.499.4441 graham.ryan@rubinbrown.com
Bryan Hinton, CPA — Nashville Partner Construction Services Group 615.685.0391 bryan.hinton@rubinbrown.com
page 24 | horizons Fall 2016
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