Fall 2014 issue of Horizons

All taxpayers that have capital expenditures or incur repair and maintenance costs will be impacted by the tangible property regulations that go into effect for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. Savvy taxpayers will, in many cases, be able to utilize these regulations to realize significant tax savings.

For calendar year taxpayers, the last quarter of 2014 is a great time to take action to make the changes required by the regulations and take advantage of opportunities that they provide.

These new regulations make major changes to the rules related to the determination of whether expenditures for tangible property must be capitalized or expensed. In addition, they refine and in many ways broaden the definition of deductible repairs.

Compliance Considerations Additional compliance will be necessary to apply these regulations as required on your 2014 tax return. If your business owns tangible property, this additional compliance burden cannot be avoided. There will be additional forms and elections that need to be filed. This is the case even if you want to keep treating your property as you always have. Beyond Compliance In taxation, where there is change, there is opportunity. The time is now for you to capitalize on that opportunity. Below is a sample of the potential tax benefits available from a proactive approach to the application of these regulations to your business: De Minimis Capitalization Policy and Election With the expiration of the higher level of bonus and Section 179 depreciation limits in 2013, the de minimis expensing provisions afforded by the regulations are one of the few remaining mechanisms to quickly write off your expenditures on tangible property. For tax purposes, you can follow written book policies and expense up to $5,000 per item per invoice for audited financial statements or $500 per item per invoice for non-audited financial statements. Deduction of Prior Capitalized Repair and Maintenance Costs The rules have changed. Many types of expenditures previously required to be capitalized now fit the definition of deductible repairs and, with proper planning, are eligible for immediate write-off on your 2014 tax return. Definition of a Unit of Property Again, the rules have changed. 2014 presents an opportunity for you to define (or re-define) your units of property for optimal tax benefit. Generally the larger the unit of property, the more likely an individual expenditure upon that unit of property will be treated as a deductible repair for tax purposes. Routine Maintenance Do you perform similar expenditures on a routine basis more than once over the expected life of a unit of property? These expenditures, which can be significant in dollar amount, are now eligible for immediate write-off on your 2014 and future tax returns.

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