Fall 2012 issue of Horizons
RubinBrown Supports Denver Metro Chamber Events
To support the business community in Denver, RubinBrown is proud to serve as a new sponsor for a number of Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce events. After sponsoring the State of the City event in August, the firm looks forward to supporting and participating in the Colorado Business Hall of Fame, the State of the State, and the Business Awards Luncheon.
RubinBrown Presents Kansas City Manufacturing Summit
One of the premier annual events for manufacturers in the Midwest is the Kansas City Chamber’s Manufacturing Summit. This year’s event, held on October 24, will bring together hundreds of manufacturers to learn and network. RubinBrown is proud to serve as presenting sponsor of this event, along with the chamber. For more information, go to our website at www.RubinBrown.com.
October 24, 2012
RubinBrown Sponsors St. Louis RCGA Top 50 Awards
RubinBrown will serve as presenting sponsor for the fourth year of the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association’s Top 50 Businesses Awards. The awards program recognizes companies based on their significant contributions to the St. Louis region and how they have positively affected the future of the business community.
RubinBrown Chairman Named One of 125 People of Impact
RubinBrown Chairman Jim Castellano is named one of 125 people of impact in the accounting profession in the Journal of Accountancy. In celebration of its 125th anniversary,
Jim was recognized due largely to his work in representing over 360,000 accountants while he served as chairman of the board of directors of the AICPA in 2002. Jim committed his time as chairman to restoring public confidence during the accounting profession’s fallout from the Enron and related business scandals.
the AICPA set out to acknowledge those individuals who have made a significant impact on the accounting profession since its founding in 1887.
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