Fall 2012 issue of Horizons
R ubin B rown I nvestment A dvisors C elebrates its 10 th A nniversary
RubinBrown Advisors may only transact business in any state if we are first registered, excluded or exempt from applicable registration requirements. Follow-up, individual responses or rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation will not be made absent compliance with applicable state registration requirements or applicable exemption or exclusion.
*Rankings are provided by Meridian-IQ and are based on total assets under management of investment advisers that meet the following criteria: (a) they offer financial and retirement planning and portfolio management for individuals; (b) they have at least some clients for which they do planning; (c) individuals account for at least 10% of their clientele; and (d) they do not operate a broker- dealer, although some may receive revenue from commissions.
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