Fall 2010 issue of Horizons

Earlier this year, RubinBrown surveyed its home building clients about their economic confidence in the industry. Overall, the responses revealed cautious optimism. 2010 RubinBrown Home Builders Confidence Survey Closing activity for all of 2010 versus 2009 expected to be: Answer

When asked what home builders’ biggest concern was, half of the respondents cited the lending environment, followed by sales demand.

2010 RubinBrown Home Builders Confidence Survey Biggest concern facing your business today: Answer

Response Ratio

Lending environment

50.0% 35.2%

Response Ratio

Sales demand

Up by greater than 15%

26.4% 44.1% 23.5%



Up 0 – 15%

Other 8.8% Once the economic recovery is complete, we expect the home building industry to eventually recover as well. But, likely, it will look different.


Down 0 – 15%

2.9% 2.9%

Down greater than 15%

The Long Road Back to Normal

< 70% 70% - 75% 76% - 88% 89% - 95% 95% <

This map shows how the states rank in the return to more normal levels of housing production. By the end of 2011, the top 20% will be back to 95% or more of normal production. The bottom 20% will still be below 70% of normal production.



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