Fall 2009 issue of Horizons
Job Market Outlook: Take Advantage of Exceptional Talent Is your company in “hold back” mode? Are you watching expenses and making due with the staff that you have? This theme is common among companies riding out our current economic condition. Are you trying to survive today or are you planning to be one of the dominant companies in your industry tomorrow? In this particular recession, companies can compare the hiring market to the real estate market. The real estate market is a “buyers market,” especially considering the recent increase in foreclosures. There is an abundance of quality homes on the market with tremendous upside or return on investment. The same thing could be said about the hiring market. With the recent restructurings and downsizings, there is an abundance of quality talent in the job market; some that offer tremendous upside or a high level of ROI. So, as with the real estate market, the current economic environment may just be a “buyers market” or “hiring market" for employers. By Tamara Vazquez and Eric Hahn
In any economy, an organization’s most valuable asset
19 u fall 2009 issue
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